How our collective intelligence has helped us to evolve and prosper Humans are a puzzling species. On the one hand, we struggle to survive on our own in the wild, often failing to overcome even basic challenges, like obtaining food, building shelters, or avoiding predators. On the other hand, human groups have produced ingenious technologies, sophisticated languages, and complex institutions that have permitted us to successfully expand into a vast range of diverse environments. What has enabled us to dominate the globe, more than any other species, while remaining virtually helpless as lone individuals? This book shows that the secret of our success lies not in our innate intelligence, but in our collective brains—on the ability of human groups to socially interconnect and learn from one another over generations. Drawing insights from lost European explorers, clever chimpanzees, mobile hunter-gatherers, neuroscientific findings, ancient bones, and the human genome, Joseph Henrich demonstrates how our collective brains have propelled our species' genetic evolution and shaped our biology. Our early capacities for learning from others produced many cultural innovations, such as fire, cooking, water containers, plant knowledge, and projectile weapons, which in turn drove the expansion of our brains and altered our physiology, anatomy, and psychology in crucial ways. Later on, some collective brains generated and recombined powerful concepts, such as the lever, wheel, screw, and writing, while also creating the institutions that continue to alter our motivations and perceptions. Henrich shows how our genetics and biology are inextricably interwoven with cultural evolution, and how culture-gene interactions launched our species on an extraordinary evolutionary trajectory. Tracking clues from our ancient past to the present, The Secret of Our Success explores how the evolution of both our cultural and social natures produce a collective intelligence that explains both our species' immense success and the origins of human uniqueness.
Nettle, Daniel, and Robin I. M. Dunbar. 1997. Social Markers and the Evolution of Reciprocal Exchange. Current Anthropology 38(1):93–99. Nisbett, Richard E. 2003. The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think DiVerently and ...
From a homeless Detroit high school dropout, the author shares the secret of his rise to become a successful husband, father, CEO, educator and popular motivational speaker.
This book captures what it really means to be successful. I am for one ready to up my game! Thank you, Tim, for giving me this gift!” — DAVID NOVAK, cofounder and former chairman and CEO of Yum! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut)
The topic of success has been revisited in countless thousands of books, but in this self-help classic, renowned author William Walker Atkinson reveals a surprising secret -- each of us already possesses the mental, spiritual, and ...
—anthropologist Robert F. Murphy (1957, p. 1034), ethnographer of the Amazonian Mundurucú Here's a surprising claim: greater competition among voluntary associations, be they charter towns, universities, guilds, churches, monasteries, ...
In Confidence Culture, Shani Orgad and Rosalind Gill argue that imperatives directed at women to “love your body” and “believe in yourself” imply that psychological blocks rather than entrenched social injustices hold women back.
"The world's leading experts reveal their secrets for success in business and in life."--Cover.
The Secret of My Success
In The Crucible of Language, Vyvyan Evans explains what we know, and what we do, when we communicate using language; he shows how linguistic meaning arises, where it comes from, and the way language enables us to convey the meanings that ...
Almost all of the people we regard as truly great—people who have had a lasting impact on the world—are people of humility.” Skeptical? Read Humility: The Secret Ingredient of Success, and let him prove it to you.