This volume's 598 documents span 22 April 1818 to 31 January 1819. Jefferson spends months preparing for a meeting to choose the site of the state university. He drafts the Rockfish Gap Report recommending the location of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville as well as legislation confirming this decision. Jefferson travels to Warm Springs to cure his rheumatism but instead contracts a painful infection on his buttocks. His enforced absence from Poplar Forest leads to detailed correspondence with plantation manager Joel Yancey. A work that Jefferson helped translate, Destutt de Tracy’s Treatise on Political Economy, is finally published. Salma Hale visits Monticello and describes Jefferson’s views on food, wine, and religion. In acknowledging an oration by Mordecai M. Noah, Jefferson remarks that the suffering of members of the Jewish faith "has furnished a remarkable proof of the universal spirit of religious intolerance." He receives long discussions of occult science and the nature of light by Robert Miller and Gabriel Crane. Abigail Adams dies, and Jefferson assures John Adams that their own demise will result in “an ecstatic meeting with the friends we have loved & lost and whom we shall still love and never lose again.”
11 March to 27 November 1813 Thomas Jefferson, Robert F. Haggard J. Jefferson Looney, Julie L.. Lautenschlager. the United States House of Representatives in 1816 and held that post for four years. James Monroe nominated Allison as a ...
I am to meet the representatives of B.r Skelton and J. Fleming in Richmond at mr Ladd's oDce on the 20th instant, and shall lodge at the Swan by recommendation of Judge Fleming who promised to engage me a room there, as our mutual ...
The Retirement Series documents Jefferson's written legacy between his return to private life on 4 March 1809 and his death on 4 July 1826.
H. Estienne), 233 Aloyévous AaeptioU Tepissiov, Öoyuátov Kai &topdeyuátov táv čv (plåooopia eijóokiumatovtov, Biff/io 1'. ... xlvii Dolphin (ship), 128–9 Don Quixote (M. de Cervantes): J. Adams on, 573; W. Wirt alludes to, 346, ...
... “Jefferson and the American under Robert R. Livingston in the United Philosophical Society,” APS, Proceedings States Department of ... Du Ponceau translated and au- Prose Works of William Byrd of Westthored works on law, history, ...
The Retirement Series documents Jefferson's written legacy between his return to private life on 4 March 1809 and his death on 4 July 1826.
... 265, 323, 325n, 440, 519, 543 Clark, George Rogers, 580n Clark, James: petition to General Assembly, 253–4 Clark (Clarke), William: identified, 1:511n; as Lewis's executor, 110, 166 Clarke, Adam: The Holy Bible, 356–7 Clarkson, ...
FC (DLC); entirely in TJ's hand, with his list of addressees in left margin: “Mr Varnum J. Smith N.Y. Gregg, Leib. Condit Lambert S. Smith Mar. Giles Brent Worthington Pope Anderson Franklin Turner Crawford”; endorsed by TJ as a letter ...
Austin, David; and millenial sermons, 12, 13n Austin, James Trecothick: E. Gerry's son-in-law, 318; identified, 4:38n; ... 305–6, 581, 582, 606; on War of 1812, 581–2 baize, 394 Baldwin, Abraham, 372, 373–4 Ballard, William: as juror, ...
The 526 documents printed in this volume run from 28 November 1813 to 30 September 1814.