Tucker presents guiding principles for ensuring that central bankers and other unelected policymakers remain stewards of the common good.
9 law professors from Yale and the University of Michigan: Charles E. Clark, “The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: A New Federal Civil Procedure,” 44 Yale Law Journal 387, 1291 (1935); Charles E. Clark, “Edson Sunderland and the ...
The militia's commander, General William Sherman, had repeatedly failed to obtain more money from Simon Cameron, Lincoln's first secretary of war. Thanks to Speed, the president overruled Cameron and released $100,000 to the militia.
Representation is more than a matter of elections and parties. This book offers a radical new perspective on the subject.
In their useful review of the development of central banking from the late eighteenth century to the present day, Capie et al.3 identify 1873 as “the beginning of the period when the gold standard formally became established as the main ...
Douglas Hurd, Memoirs (New York: Little, Brown, 2003), 468–469; see also Keegan, Marsh and Roberts, ... side were released in July 2018: see Ben Chapman, 'How John Major and Norman Lamont Hid the Cost of the Black Wednesday Disaster', ...
(1980), “Germany and the World Monetary System,” in Wilfred Kohl and Giorgio Basevi, eds., West Germany: A European and Global Power (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books), 45–62. ——— (1988), States and Markets (London: Pinter Publishers).
In this book, Viscusi provides a comprehensive look at all aspects of economic and policy efforts to price lives, including controversial topics such as whether older people's lives are worth less and richer people's lives are worth more.
Along the way, this book sharpens readers' sense of who the US oligarchy are, including how their fortunes have changed over the course of US history, how they live and think and how to detect and de-cloak them.
This book will be of interest to specialists and general readers with an interest in modern democracy as well as policy makers, think tanks and journalists.
Washington Post, May 14, A4. Balz, Dan, and David S. Broder. 1999. “Many GOP Governors 380 References.