W. Arthur Lewis was one of the foremost intellectuals, economists, and political activists of the twentieth century. In this book, the first intellectual biography of Lewis, Robert Tignor traces Lewis's life from its beginnings on the small island of St. Lucia to Lewis's arrival at Princeton University in the early 1960s. A chronicle of Lewis's unfailing efforts to promote racial justice and decolonization, it provides a history of development economics as seen through the life of one of its most important founders. If there were a record for the number of "firsts" achieved by one man during his lifetime, Lewis would be a contender. He was the first black professor in a British university and also at Princeton University and the first person of African descent to win a Nobel Prize in a field other than literature or peace. His writings, which included his book The Theory of Economic Growth, were among the first to describe the field of development economics. Quickly gaining the attention of the leadership of colonized territories, he helped develop blueprints for the changing relationship between the former colonies and their former rulers. He made significant contributions to Ghana's quest for economic growth and the West Indies' desire to create a first-class institution of higher learning serving all of the Anglophone territories in the Caribbean. This book, based on Lewis's personal papers, provides a new view of this renowned economist and his impact on economic growth in the twentieth century. It will intrigue not only students of development economics but also anyone interested in colonialism and decolonization, and justice for the poor in third-world countries.
a landmark in the contemporary approach to economics"The Observer "it is as good a book as its most obvious predecessors in the genre: Smith's Wealth of Nations and Marshall's Industry...
An unparalleled journey into the political, intellectual, and economic history of the twentieth century, this book presents a global perspective on Cold War development, demonstrating how its impacts are still being felt today.
Racial Conflict and Economic Development
The volatility of banks at this time is particularly important, not only in the USA but everywhere in the core. The United States had no central bank, and would not acquire one until the Federal Reserve System was established in 1914.
This volume, first published in 1982, is a collection of original essays written to honour Professor W. Arthur Lewis, 1979 co-winner of the Nobel Prize in economics.
This book introduces and critically analyzes the achievements of major black economists and their contributions to the realm of economic thought.
Featuring an introduction by Jeremy Adelman that places each of these essays in context as well as an insightful afterword by Emma Rothschild and Amartya Sen, The Essential Hirschman is the ideal introduction to Hirschman for a new ...
62 J. K. Walton, The Blackpool Landlady: A Social History (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1978); J. K. Walton, 'The Blackpool Landlady Revisited', Manchester Regional History Review, 8 (1996) pp. 23–31; J. K. Walton, ...
This volumes presents classic readings on the theory of economic development, from the origins of "development studies" as an academic discipline through its critiques and responses to the present day.
Great Economists on Development Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Jomo KS, K. S. Jomo ... William ( 1983 ) , Friedrich List : Economist and Visionary , 1789–1846 ( London : Frank Cass ) . Hoselitz , Bert F. ( 1960 ) , “ Theories of Stages of ...