A new theoretical framework for understanding how social, economic, and political conflicts influence international institutions and their place in the global order Today’s liberal international institutional order is being challenged by the rising power of illiberal states and by domestic political changes inside liberal states. Against this backdrop, Ideology and International Institutions offers a broader understanding of international institutions by arguing that the politics of multilateralism has always been based on ideology and ideological divisions. Erik Voeten develops new theories and measures to make sense of past and current challenges to multilateral institutions. Voeten presents a straightforward theoretical framework that analyzes multilateral institutions as attempts by states to shift the policies of others toward their preferred ideological positions. He then measures how states have positioned themselves in global ideological conflicts during the past seventy-five years. Empirical chapters illustrate how ideological struggles shape the design of international institutions, membership in international institutions, and the critical role of multilateral institutions in militarized conflicts. Voeten also examines populism’s rise and other ideological threats to the liberal international order. Ideology and International Institutions explores the essential ways in which ideological contestation has influenced world politics.
Berkley Forum: https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/responses/civil-religion-vs-whitenationalism-which-role-for-christianity-in-american-politics/. Dalacoura, Katerina. 2000. Unexceptional Politics? The Impact of Islam on International ...
The book analyses how the most important of them affect today’s world politics, and contribute to build a new and complex world order.
And how can we study the theories of actors from outside the academic world? This book examines these and related questions at the nexus of theory and ideology in International Relations.
Guilds, The Gold Standard, and Modern International Cooperation Earl A. Thompson, Charles R. Hickson ... 183, 186, 190-92, 200, 225, 228, 230, 236, 243 Goldberg, V.P., 25 Goldman, S.M., 33, 89 Goldstone, Jack A., 219, 220 Gonzales, R., ...
The book analyses how the most important of them affect today’s world politics, and contribute to build a new and complex world order.
Hochroth , L. and Johnston , J. ( New York : Semiotext ( e ) , 1989 ) . ... Democracy as a Human Right in Henkin , L. , & Hargrove , J. L. , Human Rights : An Agenda for the Next Century ( Washington D.C . ... Kelsey , F. W. et al .
Essay from the year 2011 in the subject Politics - General and Theories of International Politics, grade: 84, Liverpool John Moores University, course: International politics, language: English, abstract: This essay deals with liberalism in ...
... Brazil (UNGA 1946: 89) (including a speech by later UNCTAD official and member of the innovative Pearson Commission, Roberto de Oliveira Campos [UNGA 1948: 168-169]), India (UNGA 1947: 46), and Lebanon, by George Hakim proposing the ...
This volume brings together a distinguished international group of researchers to explore public speech in Republican Rome in its institutional and ideological contexts.
Distinguished scholars assess the emerging international order, examining leading theories, the major powers, and potential problems.