"In the 1960s, activist Chicano artists forged a remarkable history of printmaking that remains vital today. Many artists came of age during the civil rights, labor, anti-war, feminist and LGBTQ+ movements and channeled the period's social activism into assertive aesthetic statements that announced a new political and cultural consciousness among people of Mexican descent in the United States. ¡Printing the Revolution! explores the rise of Chicano graphics within these early social movements and the ways in which Chicanx artists since then have advanced innovative printmaking practices attuned to social justice. More than reflecting the need for social change, the works featured in the catalogue and exhibition project and revise notions of Chicanx identity, spur political activism, and school viewers in new understandings of U.S. and international history. By employing diverse visual and artistic modes from satire, to portraiture, to appropriation, conceptualism, and politicized pop, the artists in this exhibition build an enduring and inventive graphic tradition that has yet to be fully integrated into the history of U.S. printmaking. This exhibition is the first to unite historic civil rights-era prints alongside works by contemporary printmakers, including several that embrace expanded graphics that exist beyond the paper substrate. While the dominant mode of printmaking among Chicanx artists remains screenprinting, the installation features works in a wide range of techniques and presentation strategies, from installation art to public interventions, augmented reality, and shareable graphics that circulate in the digital realm. The exhibition is also the first to consider how Chicanx mentors, print centers, and networks nurtured other artists, including several who drew inspiration from the example of Chicanx printmaking. Featured artists and collectives include Rupert García, Malaquias Montoya, Ester Hernández, the Royal Chicano Air Force, David Avalos, Elizabeth Sisco, Louis Hock, Sandra Fernández, Juan de Dios Mora, the Dominican York Proyecto Grafíca, Enrique Chagoya, René Castro, Juan Fuentes, and Linda Lucero, among others. ¡Printing the Revolution! features more than 100 works drawn from the Smithsonian American Art Museum's pioneering collection of Latinx art. The Museum's Chicanx graphics holdings rose significantly with an important gift in 1995 from the renowned scholar Tomás Ybarra-Frausto. Since then, other major donations and an ambitious acquisition program have built one of the largest museum collections of Chicanx graphics on the East Coast"--
This book is associated with the exhibition of the same name, due to open at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in the fall of 2020.
Printing and collecting the revolution : the rise and impact of Chicano graphics, 1965 to now / E. Carmen Ramos -- Aesthetics of the message : Chicana/o posters, 1965-1987 / Terezita Romo -- War at home : conceptual iconoclasm in American ...
This abridged edition, after summarising the initial changes introduced by the establishment of printing shops, goes on to discuss how printing challenged traditional institutions and affected three major cultural movements: the Renaissance ...
With new alternatives for the modern era, and work by some of today’s most notable artists, including Janet Fish, James Rosenquist Walton Ford, and Louisa Chase, this book truly revolutionizes the techniques, materials, and processes of a ...
—Richard S. Westfall, “The Scientific Revolution Reasserted,” in Rethinking the Scientific Revolution While it is always convenient for the historian to organize a narrative by century, as has been done here, every relatively informed ...
Accompanied by fashion photography, catwalk imagery, and close-up details of prints and patterns, and crucially supplemented by the designers own notebooks, impressions, quotations and influences, the book is an invaluable reference as well ...
Printing R-evolution and Society 1450-1500: Fifty Years that Changed Europe
Explains the role of printing in the French Revolution and the establishment of the revolutionary government
This book presents state-of-the-art knowledge on the different printing processes as well as on the concrete material that must adapt to these new manufacturing techniques, such as new hardware and new printers for concrete.
Ho, M.-W., and Steinbrecher, R. A., 1998: Fatal Flaws in Food Safety Assessment: Critique of the Joint FAO/WHO Biotechnology and Food Safety Report, TWN Biotechnology and Biosafety Series 1, Third World Network, Penang, Malaysia, ...