An inside view of the experimental practices of cognitive psychology—and their influence on the addictive nature of social media Experimental cognitive psychology research is a hidden force in our online lives. We engage with it, often unknowingly, whenever we download a health app, complete a Facebook quiz, or rate our latest purchase. How did experimental psychology come to play an outsized role in these developments? Experiments of the Mind considers this question through a look at cognitive psychology laboratories. Emily Martin traces how psychological research methods evolved, escaped the boundaries of the discipline, and infiltrated social media and our digital universe. Martin recounts her participation in psychology labs, and she conveys their activities through the voices of principal investigators, graduate students, and subjects. Despite claims of experimental psychology’s focus on isolated individuals, Martin finds that the history of the field—from early German labs to Gestalt psychology—has led to research methods that are, in fact, highly social. She shows how these methods are deployed online: amplified by troves of data and powerful machine learning, an unprecedented model of human psychology is now widespread—one in which statistical measures are paired with algorithms to predict and influence users’ behavior. Experiments of the Mind examines how psychology research has shaped us to be perfectly suited for our networked age.
Harre, R. (1981) Great Scientific Experiments, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Heisenberg, W. (1930) The Physical ... Holton, G. (1960) 'On the Origins of the Special Theory of Relativity', in Holton (1973). Holton, G. (1964) 'Poincare ...
Air does the pushing, through the force known as air pressure. Normally when you suck through a straw, you suck in — which reduces the pressure inside your mouth. But the air all around the drink is pushing down on the top of the liquid ...
The typical survey course in psychology has time for only limited presentation of the research on which our knowledge is based. As a result, many students come away with a...
" Each of the vehicles in the series incorporates the essential features of all the earlier models and along the way they come to embody aggression, love, logic, manifestations of foresight, concept formation, creative thinking, personality ...
This book showcases 28 intriguing social psychological experiments that have significantly advanced our understanding of human social thinking and behavior.
But how do these tests really work? In Psych Experiments, you'll learn how to test out these theories and experiments for psychology degree required!
Long out of print, I. A. Richards's extraordinary 1932 foray into Chinese philosophy is worth reviving for its detached interpretation of the Chinese classics.
In A History of Modern Experimental Psychology, George Mandler traces the evolution of modern experimental and theoretical psychology from these beginnings to the "cognitive revolution" of the late twentieth century.
Professor Posner describes a unified experimental approach to the study of the mind based on experiments concerning the time course of human information processing. Drawing systematically on studies of performance,...
MIND GAMES is a collection of 25 ORIGINAL thought experiments spanning a host of topics - including science, mathematics, morality, social and personal concepts, and many other intriguing ideas.