Over 99% of the Danish Jews were rescued in WWII by the Danish people. The Red Umbrella is a young girl's memoir of life during WWII Nazi occupation of Copenhagen, Denmark during 1943-1945. Little Johna Christensen lived with a Jewish Mother's family, a Danish Father's family, a birth defect and a Nazi Occupation. It is an astounding story of a complex life including religion, politics, crime, brothels, war, affairs, rescue, redemption and ultimate joy. Women and men of courage and character are forced to be both heroes and villains. It is very different from any other Holocaust story.
The gardens were founded in 1 844 by Georg Carstensen, and a museum documenting their history is situated in the Hans Christian Andersen Palace (Hans Christian Andersens Boulevard 22). The gardens contain modern carousels and amusement ...
Danske fotografier, før og nu: ny samling med 394 fotos : badeliv, vejret, musik, bryllup, dyrene
Hamlet, Shakespeare's most famous play, is now available in an all-new, illustrated Norton Critical Edition.
Erasmus Lætus' skrift om Christian IVs fødsel og dåb (1577)
A guide to Scandinavia which covers Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. It features in-depth accounts of all the main towns, critical reviews of accommodation, restaurants and bars, practical guidance on...
The heroic Richard Sharpe finds himself (after victory in "Sharpe's Trafalgar") in Denmark, where he is fighting once again to keep the treacherous French troops at bay.
... Torben , direktør , 2 30 Jensen , André , skibsfører , 188 Jensen , Erling , minister , 132 , 138 Jensen , Helge ... Birthe , sømandskone , 98 Brodersen , Kaj F. , skibsfører , 180 Bruun , Arne , fagforeningsformand , 168 Corner ...
222 189 Original, Handels- og Søfartsmuseet på Kronborg. 225 190 Foto, Kirsten Jappe, Handels og Søfartsmuseet på Kronborg. »7 1 90 Foto, Handels- og Søfartsmuseet på 22S Kronborg. 229 192 Foto, Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner.