The Last Alarm: First Responders' Stories of the West Explosion

The Last Alarm: First Responders' Stories of the West Explosion
The Last Alarm
Fertilizer industry
Amber Adamson


"Shortly before 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, 2013, a fire siren ripped through a quiet evening in the Central Texas town of West. Members of the West Volunteer Fire Department suited up and headed toward the blaze at the West Fertilizer Company. At the West EMS building, several volunteer firefighters from surrounding communities who were in class heard the call and went as well. Other community citizens, some trained as first responders, headed toward the fire to see how they could help. Minutes later, those fighting the fire realized they were in over their heads. As the men were working to pull out until more help could arrive, the fertilizer plant violently erupted, killing 12 of the first responders on the scene. Three of the community's approximately 2,800 citizens were killed that night. Houses were destroyed for blocks. Hundreds were hurt, and dozens were missing. The earth shook for miles. Word spread fast as first responders across Central Texas -- and soon the state and the world -- learned of what happened in West. As help streamed in, volunteer and career fire fighters, EMS workers and other first responders stood shoulder-to-shoulder putting out fires, triaging the injured and evacuating the town. Over the next few days, hundreds more would converge on West to remember the fallen -- 12 men who died honorably in the line of duty. That devastating night, and the long, hard days that followed forever will stay in the minds of those who were called to serve. This is their story of sacrifice and spirit."--Book jacket.

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