The Pink House: The Legendary Residence of Edwin Bradford Hall and His Succeeding Generations in Wellsville, New York

The Pink House: The Legendary Residence of Edwin Bradford Hall and His Succeeding Generations in Wellsville, New York
The Pink House
Biography & Autobiography
Julian B Woelfel, William A. Paquette, Marcile B Woelfel


To date -- The Pink House is not open to the public. However, on behalf of Dr. Julian and Marcile Woelfel, I invite to view, and learn about The Pink House. This is a ghost free tour. The Pink House never had ghosts. Mary Frances Farnum never haunted The Pink House because it never existed during her short life time. The death of two-year old Beatrice Carpenter was a private family tragedy. As you page through the story of The Pink House enjoy the travel back in time to Wellsville's early days.

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