For centuries the British Empire has ruled territories the world over, maintaining its grasp on its far-flung colonies by way of magic and brute force. Any successful attempt at rebellion is short-lived, as the rebels do not have the benefit of wizardy on their side. The most recent attempt at secession happened in the New World in 1776, some two hundred years ago. General George Washington nearly succeeded at rallying his countrymen in a military revolt against the Crown. But disunity and infighting ultimately brought them down, and Washington was executed in a public spectacle. Most people gave up. But not all. The cleverest and most driven survivors went to ground. They learned from their mistakes. They planned, they plotted, they tinkered and they toiled. They began to develop new weapons and machines that would level the playing field. With technology at their fingertips, anyone could stand toe-to-toe with a British mage and come off conqueror. The uprising has been a long time coming. The arsenal is as large as it's going to get. Now all the "technomancer" army needs is soldiers, young patriots like Calvin Adler, who has had enough of the mages pushing him around. Freedom beckons, if he will but pay the price in blood, sweat, and tears. This is the New Revolution.