Coloring African American, Natural and Chemically Relaxed Hair

Paul Chambers, David Velasco


Coloring African American, Natural and Chemically Relaxed Hair This book is Volume-8 in the Trade Secrets of a Haircolor Expert series, and it is designed to not only teach you how to color natural and chemically relaxed African American hair, but also as a reference book which you will keep by your side at the salon on a daily basis. In this book we give you a Foolproof System to formulate haircolor for every conceivable haircolor process you will ever encounter with the African-American client. This is the first book in the Haircolor Trade Secrets Series in which I have asked fellow haircolor expert, Mr. Paul Chambers, to co-author with me. Paul has a wealth of knowledge in this area, and he also shares a passion for teaching it, as I do. In This Book You Will Learn: An Overview of the Coloring Process Rules of Texture and Porosity Understanding the pH Scale The Theory of Haircolor Does Not Change 10 Most Important Laws of Haircolor Gray Coverage Rules Do Not Change The 5 Variables of Coloring African-American Hair Variable #1--THE HAIR'S NATURAL COLOR Variable #2--2 KINDS OF TEXTURE Variable #3--3 TYPES OF NATURAL TEXTURE Variable #4--5 STAGES OF POROSITY Variable #5--3 TYPES of CHEMICAL RELAXERS The Differences Between Ammonium Thiogylcolate and Hydroxide Relaxers Three Strengths of Hydroxide Relaxers Mild, Regular & Super pH of Chemical Relaxers Pre-treating Chemically Relaxed Hair for Color Understanding the Formulation Charts Haircolor Selector Grids and Hair Classification Charts Group 1 - Natural Curl Texture Charts Group 2 - Chemically Relaxed Texture Charts After Care ---- Hair Care Products After Care Retailing At Home After-Care Maintenance Tips

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