This book teaches what most other books on this subject fail to teach. A strict construction understanding of the Constitution is eye-opening. It is not common knowledge, but should be. Most of what has been taught and promoted in the past is contrary to the founders' intentions. This approach uses only original source documents in order to get the most authoritative meanings in the Constitution as the founders intended.
This book is a handbook for giving direct power back to the People so they can change the Constitution, which they ordained and established, to make the American government more People friendly.
In the end, the Handbook shows the reader how "WE THE PEOPLE "can empower ourselves with knowledge and unity, to exercise our Constitutional rights and reshape our own future as a team.
This is no made up theory, but a direct in your face disregard for the importance of our founders original intent of a free nation.
What else can we do other than vote? this is the question so many Americans ask today, and this is why We The People's Handbook was written.
Democracy promises the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but in practice, only to the majority or the rich. Sociocracy ensures these rights for everyone."We the People" explains how.
Presents the text of the Constitution, explains its fundamentals, and traces events leading up to its adoption in 1788.
Written by Dr. Joanne Lynn and a team of experts, this book provides equal measures of practical information and wise counsel.
If the U.S. of A. is such a great nation, why do you need to read this book?
Carville, chief strategist of the 1992 Clinton campaign, offers a no-holds-barred response to the right-wing myths coming out of Congress and the AM airwaves.
Clean water is as basic to life on planet Earth as hydrogen or oxygen. In her long-awaited book--her first to reckon with the condition of water on our planet--Erin Brockovich shows us what's at stake.