Healthy Dynamic Living: 21st Century Wellness with a Paleolithic Twist

Healthy Dynamic Living: 21st Century Wellness with a Paleolithic Twist
Vital Surge Press
Wayne Coolidge


"Healthy Dynamic Living: 21st Century Wellness with a Paleolithic Twist" contains time honored secrets for achieving a "Healthy Dynamic Living" lifestyle. "Healthier, stronger, longer" is a motto that adeptly describes this books purpose of sharing the blueprint for a long, wellness-infused life. The living, eating, and movement patterns of our ancient ancestors provided the genetically engineered map of how we are supposed to live. Paleo peoples couldn't choose to frequent polluted environments, be sedentary, or consume refined sugars or unhealthy fats, even if they wanted to. As a result, we are not designed to tolerate those assaults on our bodies. For us, early in the 21st century, a lifestyle inconsistent with our genetic make-up has resulted in premature cellular aging that leads to all manner of diseases and disorders. Chronic disease was virtually unknown to our ancestors living before the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago. Now it plagues us. The interaction between food and physical activity patterns was responsible for our ancestors' ability to evolve strong, healthy bodies with large, creative brains. Their environment was pure, and their lives were simple. Unfortunately, we have assumed lifestyles that are in direct conflict with our Paleolithic past. Don't despair, the "fix" is relatively easy and anybody can do it. This book explains the science behind ancestral health focused wellness while simultaneously providing practical information and tips to control aging and promote wellness.