GET MORE NEW PATIENTSAfter reading you will know:-How to break free from the 3 major tensions facing private practice-How to increase new ideal patient flow-How to market to the virtually untouched fee-for-service market-How to find the freedom and financial stability in your dental practice you never thought possibleNew patients are the life blood and catalyst for growth for any dental practice. Then why is it that when I talk to Dentists all over the country, the vast majority are having trouble finding and getting new patients in the door? To compensate, more and more Dentists are signing up with dental insurance plans in the hope that this will help bring in more new patients. The unfortunate part of this strategy is that corporate dental groups areleveraging their size and power in negotiating higher reimbursements for themselves while reimbursement rates for the solo practitioner keep getting less and less.What are we as a group to do?For my practice, the answer to this question led me to discover a nearly unlimited and untapped market of fee-for-service patients who want and value their dental health but have a significant hurdle to coming in to see a private practice doctor. That's why I wrote this book. It identifies what that hurdle to getting these patients inthe door is, as well as provides you a solution to the problem that over a two year period, allowed me to add over $1,400,000 in revenue to my practice. It helped get me out of the dental insurance business and I know it can do the same for you!