In today's competitive global markets, simply making a great product is not enough. To achieve profitable growth and stand out among competitors, you must start to strategically compete through service and innovative solutions for business customers. Professors Christian Kowalkowski and Wolfgang Ulaga guide you how to shift your business from a goods-centric to a service-savvy model. The authors' proprietary twelve-step roadmap to profitable service growth will help you break out of a narrow product-centric logic and discover how to � determine if your company is "fit-for-service," � make the most of your existing services, � innovate and create value-added services and customer solutions beyond your products, � embed a true service-centric culture in your organization, � drive change and align your service strategy with corporate goals, � transform your product-centric sales force into a service-savvy sales organization, � design an organizational structure that promotes service growth, and � align your interests with distributors and partners. Kowalkowski and Ulaga's twelve-step roadmap is based on rigorous research and long-standing experience working with businesses. They have worked with hundreds of managers in industrial and professional services companies, conducted research projects, led executive workshops, and published numerous articles in scientific and managerial journals, including Harvard Business Review, among others. Here, they share not only their own insights but the lessons learned from successful case studies and years of extensive research.
Warren Buffett has taken financial intelligence to a whole new level, and his networth reflects it. How interesting that, to him, cash is king.
By tracking both annual cost reductions and cumulative savings from prior years , Johnson & Johnson has built a strong business case for its environmental goals and programs . 0.4 4.6 Labor Wastewater Management Hazardous NPO Management ...
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... Qd R 576: 49 Bacchus Marsh Concentrated Milk Company Ltd (in liq) v Joseph Nathan & Co Ltd (1919) 26 CLR 410: 224, ... 285 Barber v Keech (1987) 64 LGRA 116: 170 Barclay v Messenger (1874) 43 LJ Ch 449: 307 Barina Properties Pty Ltd ...
Introduction to Canadian Business, Frederick A. Starke ... [et Al.], Fourth Edition. Instructor's Manual
Written by authors with an extensive track record in teaching business, the Europe, Middle East and Africa Edition of this bestselling volume features an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of the functional areas of business, including ...
Introduction to Business
Instructor's Manual for Business, a Practical Approach
The sale of the carcass to a wholesaler, and the subsequent sale to a butcher, is therefore GST-free. If the butcher sells the meat to a customer it will also be GST-free. If the butcher sells it to a restaurant, that sale will be ...