What is The Meaning of Life - A Guide to Living a Meaningful Life is a relatively short and easy book to read and understand. The entire focus of the book is to answer the question "what is the meaning of life", which is directed towards the reader's life. This book introduces life philosophies and principles that will generate meaning in life. You will find that reading this book will be an educational experience and will develop deep thought into life's meaning. The concepts mentioned in the writing were developed by some of the greatest thinkers known to man and will offer a paradigm shift in the way a person thinks about life, cultures, and societies. The promise of What is The Meaning of Life - A Guide to Living a Meaningful Life is to give basic instructions that will allow the reader to organize knowledge in a way that will benefit their mind and thoughts. Also, the information sharing that is used in this book will allow the reader to experience opinions of others that pertain to how life should be lived. The reader is to digest the information in this book, and then decide how their life should be lived. The guide used in the book explains to the reader how to establish meaning in their life, how to achieve that meaning, and how to maintain and sustain their meaning throughout life. I am confident that the reader will find true value in this book, and will use the organized knowledge received to achieve the goal of answering - what is the meaning of life.