Learn the factual stories that underscore why teachers have exited the doors of a public school, where students are neglected at the highest level and teachers are reduced to the lowest level. Learn what it's like Teaching A Struggling Class in a Failing System. Experience 100 Days Of Hell.
Bullying in the Workplace: Reversing a Culture will enable nurses to understand and deal with bullying and its perpetrators and to counter the culture of bullying in their work environments.
Sloane, Ardie, Grace, and Rosalita have worked at Truviv, Inc. for years.
Do No Harm Applies to Nurses Too: Strategies to Protect and Bully-Proof Yourself at Work
Upwards bullying: Implications for how managers and organisations approach workplace bullying in the future. ... Taming the abrasive manager: How to end unnecessary roughness in the workplace (Jossey-Bass Management Series).
The Shield of Silence looks at the culture of the workplace and its impact on women and other groups who bear the impact of sexual harassment, bullying, lewd and inappropriate remarks, and other behaviors that can negatively impact the ...
This book will arm you with the information and guidance you need to successfully navigate your way through the turmoil of dealing with workplace bullying and the managers who may deny your experiences are genuine.
No one goes to work to be humiliated, abused, ostracised, subjected to rumours, or assaulted. Yet this is the reality of a working day for many employees. Now you can do something about it.
Last, this book helps you recover from the bullying. This is a process, which takes time, but it's a very important step in dealing with workplace bullying.
So I think I'd have to go and speak to someone , someone above them without sounding too much that I'm telling tales . There's something that has to be done to get it sorted out to see why they're being this way with me .
Organizational Culture, Team Climate, Workplace Bullying and Team Effectiveness: An Empirical Study on Their Relationship