Surrounded by Idiots is the first book in a series that provides a step-by-step guide with entertaining video extras that was created for someone who truly knows their life could be so much more than it is right now if only they knew how to tune out all the crap, dial into what's really important, figure out a plan of attack and make it happen! Over the last 20 years, philosopher, life strategy coach and personal trainer, Tony Dufresne, Ph.D., has fried millions of brain cells mashing together worldwide philosophical teachings with tools and techniques perfected by modern-day peak performers, along with sufficiently embarrassing but inspiring personal stories to create a simple 31/2-step guide that will: - Expose the hidden secrets of how the world around you actually functions, and how you can better understand it and, ultimately make it your bitch with some powerful tools and techniques. - Explain how to effectively take an honest look at your life and, in the process, uncover those sneaky ego patterns that block you from the life experience you know, deep in your soul, you have the ability to create. - Get your ass in gear by hand-holding you through an action project that will act as baby step towards a deeply fulfilling life of your own design. Surrounded by Idiots is all about creating measurable results on your journey towards a deeper understanding of who you are, what's really important to you, and how you want to live every day of your life. I guarantee that by the time you finish this book and complete your action step, your focus will shift from the annoying idiocy that surrounds you to your own empowered personal life possibilities. In a nutshell, you will still be surrounded by idiots, but it won't affect you anymore. Your focus will be square on yourself and on creating the epic life of your choosing.