... 188 Morris , Joyce , 555 Morrison , Cayce , 505 Morrissett , Irving , 417 Morse , William , 650 Mosenthal , Peter , 338 Mossman , Bruce , 201 , 225 Mueser , Anne , 292 , 650 Muessig , Raymond , 411 , 417 Muir , Sharon , 383 Mukerji ...
Teaching Reading Through Spelling
Reading Diagnosis and Remediation: A Primer for Classroom and Clinic
Rhyme World: Stage 1
This case study uses structural equation modeling to examine the predictive validity of the Read Aloud Profile-Together, a measure of the distinct behaviors of parents and children during shared book reading, in relation to preschool ...
James R. Kalmbach , “ Getting at the Point of Retellings , ” Journal of Reading ; Karen D. Wood , “ Free ... Basic Elementary Reading Vocabularies ; Stanford E. Taylor , Helen Frackenpohl , and Catherine White , A Revised Core ...
This self-teaching instruction workbook (in American English) helps with: pronouncing consonants (including letter blends) pronouncing vowels (long, short, and vowel groups) words with multiple syllables the relationship between phonics and ...
Make a Wish: Workbook
This comprehensive guide can be used to measure nine different areas of reading, including: oral and silent reading ability; listening comprehension; phonemic awareness; concepts about print; letter knowledge; basic sight vocabulary; ...
"This is an accessible, readable, and engaging affirmation for practicing teachers, reminding them of their importance in literacy programs and offering ideas for their continued growth and ever-developing repertoire of effective strategies ...
No more digging around - six to twelve pictures are provided for you , all on the same page with the words so the children can begin to associate a sound with the letter or letters that represent it . Children ( and even many adults ) ...