Open / Primary / Neutral / Closed Secondary Leading Client : Nurse : Client : Nurse : I came in because I can't sleep and I was wondering if you would give me something for it . Why do you think you are having trouble sleeping ?
Understanding & Sharing: An Introduction to Speech Communication
The seventh edition of this textbook integrates recent research and chapters, whilst continuing to emphasize public speaking.
An Introduction to Human Communication: Understanding and Sharing
Instructor's Manual and Test Item File Understanding and Sharing: An Introduction to Speech Communication
This book will appeal to social science students and citizens interested in the role of social networks in information diffusion and yet it also serves as a cautionary tale for communication practitioners and policymakers interested in ...
Finding Shared Understanding between African Americans and the Police through Simulated Experiences By: John Pilz In this well-researched book, John Pilz provides context and information to help foster understanding of different cultures, ...
"What Jeff has in this book is of powerfully basic importance to improving our Collective-IQ, and thus, in my view, to helping significantly change our world to be a better place." —Douglas Engelbart, Director of Bootstrap Institute
The Truth about Illegal File Sharing Nathan Fisk. content, anything that is sent through the postal system follows the same set of rules to get from sender to destination. Just as anyone can send any kind of mail to anyone else, ...
Aetna, BestBuy, and Yahoo have also made similar moves to have remote workers return to the office (Useem 2017). Supporting a move to more remote work is empirical evidence that telecommuters are more productive (Bloom et al.
In this innovative work, Garrod and Pickering extend the scope of psycholinguistics beyond individuals by introducing communication as a social activity.