Satz, P.; 3014, Saulk, C.; 360, Saunders, B.T.; 830, Saur, R.E.; 831, Savage, T.V., Jr.; 2382, Sawayer, A.E.; 214, Saxe, L.; 2907, Scanlon, R.G.; 1904, Scarth, L.; 1838, Schaeffer, K.R.; 92, Schafer, L. E.; 2638, 2666, Schaffer, D.M.; ...
Wechsler, Henry, Suarez, Amorita C. & McFadden, Mary. ... Ysseldyke, James E. An analysis of current practice in referring students for psychoeducational evaluation: implications for change. ERICED 228 823. Reports the factors which ...
This IAE is the complete student text plus point-of-use annotations for the instructor, including extra projects, classroom activities, teaching strategies, and additional examples.
This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series offers an introduction to annotation and its literary, scholarly, civic, and everyday significance across historical and contemporary contexts.
This is the complete student version with an expanded margin to accommodate teaching tips, motivational exercises, and the answers to the end-of-chapter questions.
Presents a variety of instructional strategies in the margins of each page that are intended to guide you in reviewing and reinforcing the chapter content.
This annotated bibliography is the first to trace the history of the Writing Across the Curriculum Movement (WAC) and to assess the state of scholarship and pedagogy on the subject...
2 PART General Music Sources Reference materials contained in this section are listed primarily in order to call attention to their value for research in the history of music in higher education . The encyclopedias included here are ...
which builds strong communication skills. Our curriculum gives students opportunities to develop these skills, and the assessments and performance tasks are designed to evaluate them in authentic ways.
With clear and concrete examples from elementary and high schools, this book helps you effectively gather, analyze, and use data to improve student learning.