Biology of Animals is a derivative of Hickman's best-selling Integrated Principles of Zoology, 10th edition, with less emphasis on basic biological principles, evolutionary history and chemistry.
Lee, J.A.C. and Cossins, A.R. (1987) Adaptation of intestinal morphology in the temperature acclimated carp Cyprinus carpio. ... Lees, A.D. (1955) The Physiology of diapause in Arthropods, Cambridge University Press, UK, 151 pp.
This 30-chapter volume informs students and professionals about the behavioral biology of animals commonly housed in laboratory and other captive settings.
Biology of Animals With Art Study Workbook Biology of Animals
This edition is fully updated with new course content, a refreshed design and colour illustrations throughout.
This is a student-friendly compendium of the essentials of animal biology, including the Animal Kingdom, comparative physiology, reproductive physiology and developmental biology.
This edition is fully updated with new course content, a refreshed design and colour illustrations throughout.
Biology of Animals
This book touches on all of these, with a particular focus on topics such as domestic animals as comparative models to humans, molecular regulation of growth, metabolic efficiency, reproduction, and the impact of stress on growth and ...
This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of animal biology. It unfolds the innovative aspects of the study of taxonomy, anatomy and physiology, which will be crucial for the progress of this field in the future.
Biology of Animals