... D.V. , 400 Cigrang , J.A. , 483 Cima , M. , 296 Cipriani , G. , 441 Ciraulo , D.A. , 206 , 259 , 267 Claes , L. , 222 Clark , A.K. , 273 Clark , C.G. , 207 Clark , L.A. , 117 , 310 Clarke , M. , 307 , 355 , 357 , 371 , 380 Clarke ...
Large epidemiological studies conducted in Denmark show that there is no increased risk of ASD in children who are vaccinated (Madsen et al., 2002; Parker, Schwartz, Todd, & Pickering, 2004). Additional research shows that the number of ...
In Barbara's case, for example, a psychoanalyst might have argued that her inability to reach orgasm during intercourse was associated with fear of success in the sense that being successful in her adult sexual relationship might be ...
Dishneau , D. , & Jordan , L. J. ( 2008 , August 3 ) . ... Dobbs , D. ( 2006 , April 2 ) . ... Drevets , W. C. , Price , J. L. , Simpson , J. R. , Todd , R. D. , Reich , T. , Vannier , M. , Raichle , M. E. , et al . ( 1997 ) .
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In addition to the traditional psychological literature, this book draws from work in the cognitive and affective neurosciences, epidemiology, ethology, and genetics.
"The eighth edition of Susan Nolen-Hoeksema's Abnormal Psychology continues her mission to create a program that blends the most contemporary research on psychological disorders with compassion for those who live with these disorders.
This Fifth Edition has been fully updated to present the advances in scientific knowledge and revisions to the definitions of psychological disorders found in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ...
The new edition matches the latest research from neuroscience to culture-based approaches with riveting human examples, helping your students understand both the scientific foundations and the personal impact of mental illness.
Abnormal Psychology: Washington State University