Appropriate for media writing courses, this handbook provides simple explanations and practical examples for writing and editing problems. It is both a teaching tool in the classroom and a resource book for students and professionals.
Today this book is not only the most time-tested and bestselling thesaurus ever, but, newly revised, it is also the most up-to-date and comprehensive reflection of the English language as it is currently used.
The Magi is often the master teacher of what the hero wants to master , whether it's martial arts , chess or something else . The Magi in action : Obi - Wan Kenobi ( Alec Guinness ) in Star Wars O Bruce Pandolfini ( Ben Kingsley ) ...
... 《北詞廣正譜》所呈現出清初北曲尾聲的變化類型與發展應用之現象,進而為該譜尋求戲曲史上的意義與價值,並為曲律學研究貢獻一己之力。鄭因百(騫)先生在〈仙呂【混江龍】的本格及其變化〉一文中,發現北曲四百多個調子之中,用得最多、格式變化也最多的曲牌 ...
For more than 10 years, this successful series has helped writers improve their work -- one element at a time. Featuring quality instruction from award-winning authors, each book focuses on...
The revised and enlarged third edition of Zinsser's trusted writing guide covers the principles of good writing while including information on technical, business and sports writing, humor, interviews, working with...
Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide
What is the impact of open access on science communication? How can scientists effectively engage and interact with the public? What role can science communication have when scientific controversies arise?...
How are recent policy changes affecting how scientists engage with the public? How are new technologies influencing how scientists disseminate their work and knowledge? How are new media platforms changing...
From the Back Cover: Philip Gerard presents step-by-step strategies for writing a book that makes a difference-in the minds and hearts of your readers. By analyzing techniques used by classic...
Hundreds of books have been written on the art of writing. Here at last is a book by two professional editors to teach writers the techniques of the editing trade...