Renowned economist and author of Big Business Tyler Cowen brings a groundbreaking analysis of capitalism, the job market, and the growing gap between the one percent and minimum wage workers in this follow-up to the New York Times bestseller The Great Stagnation. The United States continues to mint more millionaires and billionaires than any country ever. Yet, since the great recession, three quarters of the jobs created here pay only marginally more than minimum wage. Why is there growth only at the top and the bottom? Economist and bestselling author Tyler Cowen explains that high earners are taking ever more advantage of machine intelligence and achieving ever-better results. Meanwhile, nearly every business sector relies less and less on manual labor, and that means a steady, secure life somewhere in the middle—average—is over. In Average is Over, Cowen lays out how the new economy works and identifies what workers and entrepreneurs young and old must do to thrive in this radically new economic landscape.
This is a passionate call for a new respect of scientific innovations that benefit not only the powerful elites, but humanity as a whole.
Covering hundreds of years and bringing together a dizzying array of data, Reinhart and Rogoff have made a truly heroic contribution to financial history. This single marvelous volume is worth a thousand mathematical models.
Now on to the difficult matter of getting away from your date without her getting suspicious. As soon as intermission starts, stand up because that's the best time to meet the other girl. While you are doing so, say to your date that ...
-- Surviving executive design whims "I thought usability was the enemy of design until I read the first edition of this book. Don't Make Me Think! showed me how to put myself in the position of the person who uses my site.
An inspiring story of a boy who was born with cerebral palsy & of the family that loved him.
For the rest of us, this is called insider trading, conflict of interest, and kickbacks. But for them, it s completely legal. It s time to end crony capitalism once and for all. "
The wisdom and experience Broughton acquired, revealed in this outstanding book, demonstrates as never before the complex alchemy of effective selling and the power it has to overcome challenges we face every day.
Updated with new information, this book lays out a set of proposals that would boost citizen participation, curb the power of money, and democratize the House and Senate.
Just as The Great Stagnation was Cowen's response to all the fashionable thinking about the economic crisis, An Economist Gets Lunch is his response to all the fashionable thinking about food.
2 Own translation of Bernhard Schlink, Selbs Betrug (Zürich: Diogenes, 1994), p. 9. 3 The New Yorker, August 30, 2010, p. 36. 4 5 In 2008, its GDP per capita ranked it 143rd 182 NOTES TO ...