Thomas Jefferson occupies a special niche in the hagiology of American Founding Fathers. His name is invoked for a staggering range of causes; statists and libertarians, nationalists and States' righters, conservatives and radicals all claim his blessing. In this book, Forrest McDonald examines Jefferson's performance as the nation's leader, evaluating his ability as a policy-maker, administrator, and diplomat.
He delineates, carefully and sympathetically, the Jeffersonian ideology and the agrarian ideal that underlay it; he traces the steps by which the ideology was transformed into a program of action; and he concludes that the interplay between the ideology and the action accounted both for the unparalleled success of Jefferson's first term in office, and for the unmitigated failure of the second term.
Jefferson as president was a man whose ideological commitments prevented him from reversing calamitous policy stances, a man who could be ruthless in suppressing civil rights when it was politically expedient, a man who was rarely, in the conventional sense of the word, a Jeffersonian. McDonald's portrait reveals him to be at once greater, simpler, and more complexly human than the mere "apostle of liberty" or "spokesman for democracy" that his adulators have relegated him to being.
The Inaugural Addresses of President Thomas Jefferson, 1801 and 1805
Informing a Nation shows how Jefferson and his allies dealt with political challenges, reveals hitherto unexamined aspects of the early presidency, and raises broad questions of the relationship between the presidency and media today.
Volume 2 in the collected messages and papers of the Presidents, as prepared under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, of the House and Senate.
An illuminating analysis of the man whose name is synonymous with American democracy Few presidents have embodied the American spirit as fully as Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, was a man of contradictions.
This revealing volume chronicles Jefferson's two terms as President, his founding of the University of Virginia, and his position as one of the world's most respected figures at the time...
November 23, 1801, and August 9, 1802; Jefferson to John Davidson, March 30, 1806; Frederick D. Nichols and Ralph E. Griswold, Thomas Jefferson: Landscape Architect (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1978) (“Nichols and ...
Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, was a man of contradictions.
Offers a provocative look at the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, discussing the relationship between his administation's decisions and the power of the slave states, as well as the opposition of Timothy Pickering.
From Robert Smith I have the honor to present for your consideration the following Gentlemen to be Midshipmen in the Navy. ... Rt. Brent Esqre. Mr. Nicholson J. Gibson Esqre. Genl. Smith. of Va. Mr. Dexter. Doctor Eustis Mr. Rodney.