James Stoner's first book, Common Law and Liberal Theory: Coke, Hobbes, and the Origins of American Constitutionalism, was hailed as "forceful and wise . . . powerful and convincing" by the American Historical Review and "a stunning achievement" by the Journal of Politics. In that work, which provided historical background to the Founding era, he focused on the common law almost exclusively as a mode of legal thought. He now amplifies and extends his thinking on this subject with a study that transcends such "formalistic" limits and reveals how constitutional law has developed since the Founding.
Common-Law Liberty is a rediscovery and reassertion of the common law's central contributions to and enduring impact on American constitutional law. Stoner illuminates the common law's ties to an entire way of life, inextricably linked to the Founding and American constitutionalism, influenced by Christianity, closely connected to the development of free enterprise, and open to the influences of modern science and democracy.
Stoner delineates two common laws: one understood by the Founders and rooted in British traditions of jurisprudence and one that, thanks to jurists like Holmes and Cardozo, corrupted the first by redefining common law as mere "judge-made law" or "judicial process," dangerously disconnected from the values and norms of the communities it serves. The latter, for Stoner, has been a disastrous development, shrouding the common law's original meaning and vitality, replacing its spirited liberty with personal license, giving far too much discretion to judges who wish to depart from tradition and precedent, and, thus, undermining our constitutional system of checks-and-balances.
In an era as morally confused as ours, Stoner argues, we at least ought to know what we've abandoned or suppressed in the name of judicial activism and the modern rights-oriented Constitution. Having lost our way, perhaps the common law, in its original sense, provides a way back, a viable alternative to the debilitating relativism of our current age.
Drawing upon themes from his first book, as well as numerous articles, papers, and lectures produced during the past decade, Stoner crystallizes and reintegrates this body of work. By applying and contrasting both understandings of the common law to specific cases—including free speech, abortion, and religious liberty—he hopes to reclaim essential principles long buried but, in his view, desperately needed to preserve the integrity of our nation's polity and its hold on our moral imagination.
... Reginald 184 McKibbin , R. 65 , 217 , 247 , 272 , 273 , 284 Mackintosh , Alphonso 162 Macmillan , Harold 298-9 mains ( dicing game ) 21 managers 200-5 , 400 Masterman , C. E. G. 183 match betting 218 Matthews , Charles 180 Matthews ...
Mark A. Graber, Howard Gillman ... 2 In an introduction to a work subtitled Lessons from the Confederate Constitution that rarely refers to slaves or slavery, Marshall L. DeRosa declares, “the model of government embodied in the CSA ...
12. 1807 Yours of the 3d . Int has been duly received . " The opinions which you give touching the case of Lee & Coulson have been always mine , ever since I examined the case . I now enclose you a Copy of Murdocks deposition .
196. Id. at 813-16 (Scalia, J., dissenting) (citing Romero v. Int'l Terminal Operating Co., 358 U.S. 354 (1959); Lauritzen v. Larsen, 345 U.S. 571 (1953); Murray v. Schooner Charming Betsy, 6 U.S. (2 Cranch64)(l804)). 197. Id. at 8 1 7.
页末的这幅图片描绘了一个断头台的早期原型,名为“福尔布雷特”(字面意思是“下落的木板”)。在这个刑具中,没有锋利的(甚或金属的)刀片,通过迅速一击来使身首分离;相反,这个刑具只是由几块结实的橡木板构成。在锤击的作用下,厚钝的木板边缘可以砸烂受害者的 ...
1962年9月,美国司法部长罗伯特•肯尼迪主持召开“毒品滥用白宫会议”,开始从公众健康导向角度思考吸毒问题,尝试进行毒品贩卖者和毒品成瘾者之间的区分。1965年3月8日,约翰逊总统批准了《1965年药品滥用管制修正案》,对危险药品的非法使用进行严格管制, ...
Trial of the Chicago Eight (or Chicago Seven).
Papers of John Marshall: Vol. II: Correspondence and Papers, July 1788-December 1795, and Account Book, July 1788-December 1795
In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind.