The presidency of John F. Kennedy continues to fascinate, even as it also continues to inspire heated debates between admirers and detractors of Camelot's fallen king. Now readers can gain a new appreciation of JFK in this thoroughly revised and updated edition of James Giglio's bestselling study, widely acclaimed as the best and most balanced book on JFK's White House years.
Giglio incorporates the voluminous archival materials made available in the last fifteen years, including the declassified documents on crucial foreign policy affairs and White House medical records that contradict the image of Kennedy's youth and vigor. He stresses the extent to which domestic and foreign policies were interconnected at a time when the Cold War dominated national life and reveals his new appreciation for JFK's prudence in his handling of such enormous challenges as the Cuban missile crisis and the emerging war in Vietnam.
Giglio shows Kennedy to be "the most medicated, one of the most courageous, and perhaps the most self-absorbed of our presidents." He reviews the physical ailments and heavy prescriptions that were kept out of the public eye and catalogs sexual indiscretions ranging from Marilyn Monroe and socialite Florence Pritchett to low-level White House employees and even virtual strangers. Surveying this field of conquest, Giglio suggests that JFK's sexual obsession could easily have affected his presidency even more during a second term. His work also amplifies coverage of key issues like civil rights, the Cuban missile crisis, and Vietnam and reevaluates many of the questions surrounding the assassination—maintaining that, even with the existence of a conspiracy still doubtful, the case is far from closed.
Like the first edition, this new edition provides a sharp and thoughtful analysis of both domestic and foreign affairs and underscores that, despite his undeniably brief tenure in office, the state of the nation actually did improve on Kennedy's watch. Featuring an expanded bibliographical essay and twenty-two photos from the JFK library, The Presidency of John F. Kennedy remains the definitive appraisal of Camelot's kingdom.
Washington, D.C. Uslaner, Eric M. 1993. The Decline of Comity in Congress. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Valelly, Richard M. 1996. “Couch-potato Democracy?” American Prospect 25: 25–26. Valentino, N. A. 1999.
Richard Vinen pursues the story into the 1970s to show both the ever more violent forms of radicalization that arose from 1968 and the brutal reactions from those in power that brought the era to an end.
In addition, the book includes clear, concise discussions of major twentieth-century totalitarian movements—Communism, Fascism, and Nazism—and of the major opponents of the one-party state.
... Alexander 1919n2 MacCarthy , C.J. 1735n2 Macclesfield , 5th Earl of 1860n2 McCulloch , John Ramsay 1893 & n2 ... 2050n6 Mackenzie , Hugh 1877n8 Mackenzie , William Forbes 1975n2 Mackinnon , William Alexander i 188n11 , 1758n2 ...
... covert , or semiformal — that were extended to the DPRK by Western governments in the kangsong taeguk period , we might well discover that the ratio of such outside assistance to local commercial earnings began to approach the scale ...
Bernard Roscho , " The Evolution of News Content in the American Press , " in Doris Graber , ed . , Media Power in ... William L. Rivers , The Other Government : Power and the Washington Media ( New York : Universe Books , 1982 ) , p .
According to Harding , this means that the political standpoint of the scientist is a relevant consideration in the evaluation of scientific theories . Rigorous scientific scholarship can only take place under conditions where women and ...
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary holds televised hearings on the nomination of Robert H. Bork to the Supreme Court that focus on Bork's understanding of " original intent . " The Court , in Texas v . Johnson , sets aside a state ...
العولمة نضجت من مجرد كلمة طنانة مثيرة للجدل حول كيف تغير شبكات الاتصال الثقافة والاقتصاد والأمن والبيئة - ومعها التحديات الرئيسية ...
... 3 , 47 , 55–57 passim , 70 , 78 , 99 , 109 , 111 , 120 , 164-65 , 179–80 , 183 Hoover , J. Edgar , 178–79 Hopkins ... General von , 129 Johnson , Hiram , 96 , 130 Johnson , Hugh , 95 Johnson , Louis A. , 175 Johnson , Lyndon B.