West of Highway 81, there lies another Kansas. While it accounts for two-thirds of the state's land area, it is sparsely populated and nearly desert dry. Before 1940, it was still distinctly rural-a place that some residents called the "Edge of the World."
Several generations of the Miner family have lived and farmed in Ness County, providing Craig Miner with a rich and very personal backdrop for this heartfelt and compelling portrait of western Kansas. In Next Year Country he recounts the resilience of his fellow Kansans through two depressions and the Dust Bowl, showing how the region changed dramatically over fifty years-not for the better, some might say.
In this striking regional history, Miner blends the voices of real people with writings of small-town journalists to show life as it was really lived from 1890 to 1940. He has fashioned a richly textured look at determined individuals as they confronted the vagaries of raw Nature and learned to adapt to the machine age. And he captures the drama and vitality of rural and small-town life at a time when children could die in a blizzard on their way home from school, in a place where gaping holes of cellars and wells from abandoned homesteads posed real hazards to nighttime travelers.
No mere nostalgic reverie, Miner's book chronicles the hard challenges to these Kansans' ambitious efforts to create a regional economy and society based on wheat, in an area once thought only marginally suitable for cereal crops. His diverse topics include the history of agricultural experiment stations, new approaches to irrigation, and the impact of the tractor and the combine; the role of women's clubs in developing culture, the growth of higher education, and the rise of the secession movement; and how people responded to pests, from prairie dogs to grasshoppers, and to radical groups, from the IWW to the KKK.
Next Year Country depicts the kind of rugged individualism that is often touted in America but seldom seen anymore, a testament to how people dealt with both Nature and transformative change. It is both a love song to Kansas and the best kind of regional history, showing that life has to be taken on its own terms to understand how people really lived.
Next-year Country: Voices of Prairie People
... this visit. “Four prosperous farmers of the Hanna district, who left Roumania more than ten years ago and came to settle in this country, left on the eastbound C.N.R. train, Tuesday morning, en route to their old home land. They were ...
... YEAR COUNTRY " IS A POPULAR AND IRONIC IDIOM OF RURAL Saskatchewan : " next year's rains will come at the right time " ; " next year , I won't get hailed out " ; " next year , winter won't set in before I have my hay hauled in for feeding " ...
Next-year Country: One Woman's View
"A charming and informative anthology of nature through the year." -- cover, p. [4].
. . . This is such a book” (The San Diego Union-Tribune).
Written with the keen insight and thoughtful analysis that has made George Friedman a renowned expert in geopolitics and forecasting, The Next 100 Years presents a fascinating picture of what lies ahead.
Read Jacqueline Jannotta's delightful and inspiring guide. This book offers loads of in-the-know information to make the beginning, middle, and end of your family's adventure go smoothly in every way.
Written with the cooperation of the royal family, this portrait of England's queen focuses on her private life, personal interests, and social and political role of a constitutional monarch in her nation.