The first study in half a century to focus on the election of 1796. Colorfully portrays the young nation's politics, focusing especially on images of Adams and Jefferson created by supporters and detractors through the press, capturing the way that ordinary citizens in 1796 would have experienced candidates they never heard speak.
A Magnificent Catastrophe is history writing at its evocative best: the riveting story of the last great contest of the founding period.
Gresham to Slaughter, December 7, 1876, January 28, March 3, 1877, WQG-LC; Indianapolis News, May 8, 1877; George B. Wright to Hayes, March 8, 1877, Gresham to Stanley Matthews, March 30, 1877, RBH. 30.
A vivid account of one of the most critical elections in American history. Sheds new light on this crucial contest--and shows like no other work that the success of the fragile new government under the Constitution was tentative at best.
The 1824 Presidential election was a struggle between personalities; all five were from the same party, the Democratic Republicans. The result was a contest decided in the House of Representatives.
Kallina examines the facts and myths surrounding the 1960 Presidential election in his exploration of one of the closest Presidential races in American history.
The Carnival Campaign tells the fascinating story of the pivotal 1840 presidential campaign of General William Henry Harrison and John Tyler—"Tippecanoe and Tyler Too.
The 2020 Election is here! And so is this book, which tells young readers all about presidential campaigns and American politics--complete with stickers, activities, and a color-your-own Electoral Map poster! Who can run for president?
But 1936 was yet another landslide win for FDR, which makes it easy to forget just how contested the campaign was. In Voting Deliberatively, Mary Stuckey examines little-discussed components of FDR’s 1936 campaign that aided his victory.
In other words, fundamentals matter, but only because of campaigns. Timely and compelling, this book will force us to rethink our assumptions about presidential elections.
This timely story not only gives readers a fun introduction to the American electoral system but also teaches the value of hard work, courage, independent thought -- and offers an inspiring example of how to choose our leaders.