Forfatteren er født i Ukraine. I mange år journalist i Argentina. Arresteredes og udvistes til Israel. Med anledning i Israels invasion i Libanon retter han en stærk anklage mod Israels regerings katastrofale politik, som har ført direkte til massakren i Beirut.
Other chapters treat Israeli policies in the West Bank and Gaza, the impact of Israeli politics on the peace issue, and the Palestinians' response to the occupation.
Military Misfortune by Eliot A. Cohen & John Gooch 296 pages , The Free Press New York , N.Y. , 1990. $ 22.95 ISBN 01-02-906060-5 Why do competent armies fail ? What explains these “ lost victories , ” as Field ...
The Island of Umm An-Nar: The Third Millennium Graves. 1
Seven stories reveal how two families - one Jewish, one non-Jewish - fared in the Netherlands during the German occupation of World War II. Each story highlights a specific aspect of life; and emphasizes the difference between the options ...
坊__有多种___的中__史著作,它__大多_不是以基督 教降世之___尾,便是以伊斯_教的降___端。我以基督_元_ 始做_本_的__上限,是想要_到__目的。_一_,是_了拯救通 ...
... Gary P. Ratner , Raphael Recanati , Meshulam Riklis , Morris Rodman , Elihu Rose , Malcolm M. Rosenberg , Irving Schneider , Marvin Simon , Ruth Sinaiko , Walter P. Stern , Dr. Robert J. Stoller , Leonard R. Strelitz , James Warren ...
Unlike George W Bush, however, ]ohn Quincy Adams entered the White House in 1824 with much experience abroad and with even more expertise in foreign policy. During his eight-year stint as ]ames Monroe's secretary of state, ...
Presents the findings of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group that reviewed the situation on the ground and proposed ways of improving security, strengthening the new government, rebuilding the economy, and maintaining stability in the region.
Presidential Control of Foreign Policy: Management Or Mishap?
Courts considering the future of maltreated children face complex and controversial questions, and the professional experts advising the courts must often address dilemmas which are key to the child's future...