Manson's Tropical Diseases

Manson's Tropical Diseases
Manson's Tropical Diseases
Bailliere Tindall
Sir Patrick Manson, Philip Edmund Clinton Manson-Bahr, F. I. C. Apted


Abstract: A reference text for medical students and practitioners emphasizes tropical diseases as they affect both indigenous populations and expatriate residents of warm climates, with special attention given to the biology, epidemiology, and immunology of tropical infections from practical and theoretical points of view. Topics include specific diseases caused by specific protozoa, helminths, viruses, bacteria, fungi, spirochaetes, rickettsiae, and bartonellae; tropical venereal diseases; heat disorders; nutritional diseases; tropical venoms and poisons; tropical ophthalmology; and the use of drugs. Data and relevant imformation concerning medical protozoology, helminthology, and entomology, and clinical pathology, are provided in comprehensive appendices. (wz).

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