This reference guide to tropical medicine contains a strong practical clinical bias, offering advice on the diagnosis and management of each particular disorder. This edition includes more information on non-infectious tropical disorders, as well as new photographs and colour pictures.
The filovirus infections (from the Latin filo for 'thread', referring to their filamentous shape), Marburg and Ebola HFs, are perhaps the most severe and feared of all viral HFs.
Differentiates approaches for resource-rich and resource-poor areas. Includes reader-friendly features such as highlighted key information, convenient boxes and tables, extensive cross-referencing, and clinical management diagrams.
" In Imperial Medicine: Patrick Manson and the Conquest of Tropical Disease Douglas M. Haynes uses Manson's career to explore the role of British imperialism in the making of Victorian medicine and science.
This superbly illustrated work provides short accounts of the lives and scientific contributions of all of the major pioneers of Tropical Medicine.
Manson's Tropical Diseases
Includes "classic" tropical diseases such as African trypanosomiasis, chagas, leprosy, and yaws. Reflects the use of novel diagnostics used in resource-poor settings, as well as developing drug resistance in relevant cases.
Abstract: A reference text for medical students and practitioners emphasizes tropical diseases as they affect both indigenous populations and expatriate residents of warm climates, with special attention given to the...
This second edition of Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases provides an overview of the NTDs and how they devastate the poor, essentially trapping them in a vicious cycle of extreme poverty by preventing them from working or attaining their ...