Endoscopic Diagnosis of the Female Lower Urinary Tract

Endoscopic Diagnosis of the Female Lower Urinary Tract
Health & Fitness / Women's Health
W.B. Saunders
Geoffrey W. Cundiff, Alfred E. Bent


This book is an Atlas of normal and abnormal cystourethroscopic findings.
Each chapter addresses common indications for cystourethroscopy and allows the reader to develop a differential diagnosis. The chapters are succinctly written, referenced and well illustrated with line diagrams. The appendices comprise over 100 colour prints of normal and abnormal cystourethroscopic findings, providing a valuable resource for comparison of pathologies.
Both gynecologists and urologists will find this Atlas to be a useful clinical tool. Its coverage includes:

  • indications for cystourethroscopy
  • clinical emphasis throughout
  • enables the reader to effectively diagnose problems
  • clear descriptions of techniques
  • core information e.g. on instruments
  • Unique atlas of cystoscopic findings
  • Addresses common indications for cystourethroscopy
  • Practical text with clinical emphasis
  • Enables the reader to effectively diagnose problems
  • Clear descriptions of techniques
  • Includes core information eg on instrument

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