Total Burn Care

Total Burn Care
Total Burn Care
Medical / Critical Care
W.B. Saunders
David N. Herndon


Total Burn Care is a unique book that considers the complex management of burned patients from injury through to rehabilitation. This new edition covers the advances in the treatment of burns as well as the clinical, physical, psychological and social needs of the burn patient. In particular, the book discusses how to devised an integrated treatment programme for the optimal recovery and rehabilitation of patients. Total Burn Care is an essential reference source for anesthesiologists, intensivists, burn nurses and all health professionals in the burn care team.

  • Discusses the management of burn patients when they are acutely ill and during their long-term rehabilitation
  • The clinical, physical and social needs of patients is addressed in a multifaceted approach
  • This edition integrates up-to-date basic scientific research with optimum clinical care
  • It highlights the importance of a "team approach" to treatment
  • Selected bibliographies to assure reader easy access to expanded literature on current burn care
  • Completely revised and updated throughout, with new user-friendly design
  • New edition to be cross referenced to companion title, A Colour Atlas of Burn Care
  • Increased coverage of how to devise integrated treatment programmes for different groups of patients to ensure optimal recovery and rehabilitation
  • Covers advances in the treatment of burn shock, inhalation injury, sepsis and scar reconstruction
  • Key points to be summarised in boxes at the end of each chapter
  • Other editions

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