This book is aimed primarily at occupational therapy undergraduate students, but will be of use to new practitioners working in the field of learning disability and other students studying topics related to learning disabilities. It meets perceived learning needs in line with theory and practice outcomes and provides an understanding of the current issues in health and social care for people with a learning disability. It provides a basis for further learning and the depth reflects present curricula demands and expectations in line with professional practice. There are also contributions and comments from service users with a learning disability. This book is aimed primarily at occupational therapy undergraduate students, but will be of use to new practitioners working in the field of learning disability and other students studying topics related to learning disabilities. It meets learning needs in line with theory and practice outcomes and provides an understanding of the current issues in health and social care for people with a learning disability. It provides a basis for further learning and the depth reflects present curricula demands and expectations in line with professional practice. There are also contributions and comments from service users with a learning disability. Informative text supported by reflective activities Reflects changes in service provision subsequent to "A Strategy for the 21st Century" Case scenarios and self assessment tasks Advises on further reading Offers occupational therapy focus on issues that are also relevant to other health professionals
This book is aimed primarily at occupational therapy undergraduate students, but will be of use to new practitioners working in the field of learning disability and other students studying topics related to learning disabilities.
Occupational Therapy and People with Learning Disabilities: Findings from a Research Study
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780443102998 .
... Barnett, S. (1997) Michelle finds a Voice. Oxford, Communication Matters. Lobel, G. (2005) The Day Ravi Smiled. Middlesex, Tamarind. Miller, F. & Bauchrach, S.J. (1995) Cerebral Palsy—a Complete Guide to Caregiving.
Therapy-Works, Albuquerque, New Mexico Wilson K, Kendrick P, Ryan V 1992 Play therapy – a non- directive approach for children and adolescents. Baillière Tindall, London. fURTHeR. ReADINg. Colby Trott M ...
The Vona Du Toit Model of Creative Ability: A Practical Guide to Occupational Therapy for People with Learning Disabilities
Chapter 11 is written by two people who have received occupational therapy, examining different perspectives on the experience of using services. This edition is divided into clear sections, exploring theory and practice issues in detail.
Accessible, practical and inspirational, the unique approaches described in this book will be of immeasurable interest to occupational therapists, social care workers responsible for planning and delivering activity programmes as well as ...
PROFOUND INTELLECTUAL AND MULTIPLE DISABILITIES Nursing Complex Needs Children and adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) are among the most marginalised people in society.
The authors of this book bring their expertise in scholarship and offer thoughtful, evidence-based approaches for practitioners to create change for individuals, communities, organizations, and society.