A practical text covering the theory and the practice of clinical reasoning skills for all physical therapists. Provides readers with activities to improve their own clinical reasoning within their own clinical setting. With a range of very high-caliber international contributors in the field of physiotherapy practice, this book gives the answers to the practitioner's question of how does one apply the theoretical knowledge involved in clinical reasoning to practice and how can one become a better practitioner as a result. * This book will provide readers with activities to improve their own clinical reasoning within their own clinical setting * Increase clinicians' awareness of the clinical reasoning process * Encourage clinicians' reflection of their own reasoning including factors that influence their reasoning, typical errors they may be making and how to promote skilled reasoning
Manual therapists are basically problem solvers.
Cook, E.F., Goldman, L., 1984. Empiric comparison of multivariate analytic techniques: ... Dionne, C.E., Le Sage, N., Franche, R.-L., Dorval, M., Bombardier, C., Deyo, R.A., 2011. ... Ely, J.W., Graber, M.L., Croskerry, P., 2011.
... 1988; Lund & Olsen, 1983; Smith, 1981; Stohler, Yamada & Ash, 1985). If inflammation and pain of the TMJ have been present for a long period, secondary central nervous system effects including referred pain and secondary 92 THE ...
Totally revised and updated, this book continues to provide the essential text on the theoretical basis of clinical reasoning in the health professions and examines strategies for assisting learners, scholars and clinicians develop their ...
Informed by evidence-based research, this text offers detailed instructions for reaching an accurate diagnosis and developing a plan of care.
Manual Physical Therapy of the Spine, 3rd Edition provides evidence-based guidelines to manipulation, evaluation, and treatment procedures of the spine and temporomandibular joint.
The McKenzie approach has been well established for spinal problems for many decades, whereas its use in extremity problems ... The clinical course of shoulder pain: prospective cohort study in primary care. ... Treat your own shoulder.
Andrew, J.R. (Eds.), The athlete's shoulder, second ed. Churchill Livingstone, London, pp. 16–35. Gerber, C., Ganz, R., 1984. Clinical assessment of instability of the shoulder. J. Bone Joint Surg. 66B (4), 551–556. Gibson, J., 2005.
The similarity between the above scenario and clinical reasoning in manual therapy is not, however, due to chance – clinical reasoning is quite simply based in logic. It is made up of the sort of things that we naturally want to ask ...
Subsequent chapters provide details of the examination for each region of the body. This edition is designed for physiotherapy and musculoskeletal therapy students as they get to grips with contemporary clinical practice.