This book is for therapists involved in exercise therapy for the prevention and treatment of disease. It covers exercise assessment, current prescription guidelines, precautions, exercise design and clinical case studies. The book also includes exercises to increase strength, power, local muscle endurance, range of movement and aerobic capacity and will be relevant to all areas of therapy practice. In addition to the general guidelines, considerations for exercise groups and exercise at home as well as exercise in special patient populations are addressed. This allows therapists who are expert in one area to become familiar with exercise prescription in another. The book underpins therapeutic exercise in general and also addresses specific considerations for particular clinical situations within current guidelines and practical considerations. Underpinning exercise physiology Physical principles of exercise design Guidelines for exercise training Clinical exercise prescription Limitations to exercise in common conditions Example case studies
Maitland's Peripheral Manipulation: Management of neuromusculoskeletal disorders (5th ed., Vol. 2). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Hengeveld, E., Banks, K., & English, K. (2013). Maitland's Vertebral Manipulation: Management of ...
" This book will teach practitioners how to motivate and instruct patients on the importance of exercise and how to design practical exercise programs for patients of all ages and fitness levels, as well as those with special conditions ...
15 18 21 24 *Record General Observations on Back of Score Form Source: From Stuberg WA, Dehne PR, Miedaner JA, Romero, P. Milani-Comparetti Motor Development Screening Test: Test Manual, 1987 ed. Media Resource Center, C Louis Meyer ...
Bathen, M, and Gupta, R: Basic science of peripheral nerve injury and repair. In Skirven, TM, Osterman, AL, Fedorczyk, JM, and Amadio, ... Earp, BE, Floyd, WE, Louie, D, Koris, M, and Protomastro, P: Ulnar nerve entrapment at the wrist.
With advice on back pain management, the role of medication, the use of bed rest and how to return to work, this handy, pocket edition of Sarah Key's bestselling Back Sufferers' Bible outlines the five stages of spine breakdown and includes ...
This compact reference presents the practical evidenced- based guidance needed to assess, diagnose, treat or refer pediatric patients effectively in any care setting.
Jobe CM. Superior glenoid impingement. Orthop Clin North Am. 1997;28(2):137–143. 16. Leschinger T, Wallraff C, Müller D, Hackenbroch M, Bovenschulte H, Siewe J. In vivo analysis of coracoid and subacromial shoulder impingement mechanism ...
Glynn A, Fiddler H. The Physiotherapist's Pocket Guide to Exercise Assessment, Prescription and Training . London: Elsevier; 2009. 34. Haskell W.L, Lee I.-M, Pate R.R, Powell K.E, Blair S.N, Franklin B.A, et al.
Self-management programmes for people post stroke: a systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation 27 (10), 867–878. ... Motor Learning and Performance, 5E With Web Study Guide: From Principles to Application. Human Kinetics, Illinois.
Outcomes of progressive resistance training following stroke: a systematic review. Clin. Rehabil. 18, 27–38. Mostert, S., Kesselring, J., 2002. Effects of a short-term exercise training programme on aerobic fitness, fatigue, ...