Background Lesions in Laboratory Animals will be an invaluable aid to pathologists needing to recognize background and incidental lesions while examining slides taken from laboratory animals in acute and chronic toxicity studies, or while examining exotic species in a diagnostic laboratory. It gives clear descriptions and illustrations of the majority of background lesions likely to be encountered. Many of the lesions covered are unusual and can be mistaken for treatment-related findings in preclinical toxicity studies. The Atlas has been prepared with contributions from experienced toxicological pathologists who are specialists in each of the laboratory animal species covered and who have published extensively in these areas. over 600 high-definition, top-quality color photographs of background lesions found in rats, mice, dogs, minipigs, non-human primates, hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits a separate chapter on lesions in the reproductive systems of all laboratory animals written by Dr Dianne Creasy, a world expert on testicular lesions in laboratory animals a chapter on common artifacts that may be observed in histological glass slides extensive references to each lesion described aging lesions encountered in all laboratory animal species, particularly in rats in mice which are used for carcinogenicity studies
Pathology for Toxicologists: Principles and Practices of Laboratory Animal Pathology for Study Personnel includes: Color diagrams explaining how lesions are caused An exploration of anatomic variations and background lesions in laboratory ...
A respected resource for decades, the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals has been updated by a committee of experts, taking into consideration input from the scientific and laboratory animal communities and the public at large ...
Boorman's Pathology of the Rat, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Academic Press, pp. 167–190. Seely, J.C., Hard, G.C., and Blakenship, B. 2018. Kidney. In: Suttie, A.W. (ed.) Boorman's Pathology of the Rat, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Academic Press, pp.
Expanding on the National Research Council's Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, this book deals specifically with mammals in neuroscience and behavioral research laboratories.
This new book from the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) at the National Research Council, Recognition and Alleviation of Distress in Laboratory Animals, focuses on the stress and distress which is experienced by animals when ...
This book will prove useful to laboratory technicians, students, students, researchers, and the general public who are concerned for animals and their use in laboratory work.
Guidance for the Description of Animal Research in Scientific Publications outlines the information that should be included in scientific papers regarding the animal studies to ensure that the study can be replicated.
Presents a single resource for performing necropsies on a variety of taxa, including terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates Describes notable, unique gross and microscopic anatomical variations among species/taxa to assist in ...
This study presents age-associated pathologic findings in aging rats that had been maintained under similar well-controlled laboratory conditions. The aim of the study was to evaluate two rat strains and their F1, hybrid.
Using the most well-studied behavioral analyses of animal subjects to promote a better understanding of the effects of disease and the effects of new therapeutic treatments on human cognition, Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience ...