Dermatology E-Book: An Illustrated Colour Text

Dermatology E-Book: An Illustrated Colour Text
Dermatology E-Book
Elsevier Health Sciences
David Gawkrodger, Michael R Ardern-Jones


This concise textbook of dermatology is aimed at medical students, those preparing for the MRCP and MRCGP examinations and specialist nurses. The information is presented in a highly accessible format, using double page spreads for each topic. Extensive use of colour for both clinical photographs and graphics makes for a superb appearance. For review for examination preparation key point boxes are provided. In this fourth edition extensive revision has been made to the contents to reflect changes in the understanding of dermatological conditions at a molecular level and the changes in clinical practice. In addition the use of the internet for dermatological information by both doctors and patients is reviewed. Information presented in easy to access double-page spreads. Highly illustrated with full colour photographs and graphics. Summary boxes for examination preparation. Covers the subject from basic molecular mechanisms through to the principles of medical and surgical treatment. Gives references to internet URLs for further information. Includes a glossary of dermatological terms. New co-author introduced for the fifth edition.

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