The second edition of this book is virtually a new book. It is the only comprehensive text on the safety of essential oils and the first review of essential oil/drug interactions and provides detailed essential oil constituent data not found in any other text. Much of the existing text has been re-written, and 80% of the text is completely new. There are 400 comprehensive essential oil profiles and almost 4000 references. There are new chapters on the respiratory system, the cardivascular system, the urinary system, the digestive system and the nervous system. For each essential oil there is a full breakdown of constituents, and a clear categorization of hazards and risks, with recommended maximum doses and concentrations. There are also 206 Constituent Profiles. There is considerable discussion of carcinogens, the human relevance of some of the animal data, the validity of treating an essential oil as if it was a single chemical, and the arbitary nature of uncertainty factors. There is a critque of current regulations.
Essential oils are widely used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, foods, and household goods.
"Explore the benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils, from home remedies to picking your first starter kit of oils"--
This encyclopedic book contains, in practical and easy-to-understand form, every conceivable use for essential oils and aromatherapy in everyday life.
TABLE 1 Composition of Bitter Gourd Seed Oils Classification Contents and Percentage Functions References Fatty acidsa Butyric acid (C4-0, NDa) Caprioc acid (C6-0, ND) Caprylic acid (C8-0, ND) Capric acid (C10-0, 0.5%b) Lauric acid ...
This new edition of ESSENTIAL CHEMISTRY FOR SAFE AROMATHERAPY provides an accessible account of the key theoretical aspects of chemistry and their application into the safe practice of aromatherapy.
Major. Health. Concerns. 12. stroke. A few days volunteering on a stroke ward may. T. his chapter contains sections on cancer, heart issues, stroke, COPD, multiple sclerosis, ... 315 Chapter 12. Major Health Concerns Cancer.
The text offers a review of essential oils components, history, source and their application in foods and explores common and new extraction methods of essential oils from herbs and spices.
Reflecting the immense developments in scientific knowledge available on essential oils, this book brings multidisciplinary coverage of essential oils into one all-inclusive resource.
Davis, P. Aromatherapy An A-Z, C.W.Daniel, 1988. Day, I. Perfumery with Herbs, ... Guenther, E. The Essential Oils, Van Nostrand, New York, 1948. ... Launert, E. Edible andMedicinal Plants ofBritain andNorthern Europe, Hamlyn, 1981.
"The Beginner's Guide to Essential Oils puts the power of natural healing in your hands. This simple guide distills the knowledge you need to unlock the potential of commonly found essential oils.