Dermatology Essentials E- Book

Dermatology Essentials E- Book
Elsevier Health Sciences
Jean L. Bolognia, Julie V. Schaffer, Karynne O. Duncan


Dermatology Essentials, edited by world authorities Drs. Jean L. Bolognia, Julie V. Schaffer, Karynne O. Duncan, and Christine J. Ko, provides the quick answers you need on every important aspect of dermatology and guidance on their application in your day-to-day practice. Derived from the renowned authoritative reference work Dermatology, 3rd Edition, this on-the-go reference distills the essential information needed to quickly diagnose and manage a wide range of dermatologic disorders—without the need for any additional resources. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability. Review or refresh your knowledge of the fundamentals and diagnostic approaches of skin disease with unique introductory chapters providing the basic principles of dermatology, bedside diagnostics, and clinical approach to a fever and rash – extremely helpful for the beginner. Visualize more of the conditions you see in practice with over 1,500 clinical images, illustrations, and schematics. Avoid diagnostic pitfalls using practical tables, intuitive artworks, and logical algorithms. Find answers fast with a highly user-friendly, "easy-in-easy-out" format and a wealth of tables and schematics for instant visual comprehension. Make the most of electronic functionality with access to the complete contents online and in various ebook formats - making it easy to teach impromptu on a tablet in the clinic, or conduct more formal lecturing.

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