The second edition of the Neurological Physiotherapy Pocketbook is the only book for physiotherapists that provides essential evidence-based information in a unique and easy-to-use format, applicable to clinical settings. Written by new international editors and contributors, this pocketbook provides quick and easy access to essential clinical information.
Providing an introduction to the basic concepts of neurology, neurological conditions the differing methods of physiotherapy, this text brings together contributions from an experienced team of experts in the field.
Self-management programmes for people post stroke: a systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation 27 (10), 867–878. ... Motor Learning and Performance, 5E With Web Study Guide: From Principles to Application. Human Kinetics, Illinois.
This new book is based on Cash's Textbook of Neurology. It covers Basic Concepts in Neurology, Neurological and Neuromuscular Conditions, Lifetime Disorders of Childhood Onset, and Treatment Approaches to Neurological...
In Campbell SK, Vander Linden DW, Palisano RJ (eds). Physical Therapy for Children, 2nd edition. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2000, pp 302–319. FIGURE 8-5. This child with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita is wearing a wide Velcro ...
Janet Carr and Roberta Shepherd head up a new team of eminent authors for the second edition of this definitive text on neurological physiotherapy.
NEW and EXPANDED! Additional case studies illustrate how concepts apply to practice. Updated chapters incorporate the latest advances and the newest information in neurological rehabilitation strategies. NEW and UNIQUE!
Bryce T. J, Taylor DA, Cousins MJ.. .. . N, Ragnarsson KT: Epidemiology and classification of pain .. . after spinal cord injury, Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil 7:1-17, 2001. 15. Yezierski R: Identification of therapeutic targets and the ...
Physical rehabilitation is used in conjunction with various anti-parkinsonian agents as a non-pharmacological treatment for Parkinson's disease. This book explores the long-term and short-term benefits of physical therap
The management of visual failure, metabolic muscle disorders, acute bacterial meningitis, and viral encephalitis are briefly covered. The book can provide useful information to doctors, psychologists, therapists, students, and researchers.
Krogh K, Christensen P, Laurberg S. Colorectal symptoms in patients with neurological diseases. Acta Neurol Scand 2001;103(6):335–43. Wiesel PH, Norton C, Glickman S, et al. Pathophysiology and management of bowel dysfunction in ...