Using an easily accessible, highly templated format, Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine, 2nd Edition, provides more than 100 realistic scenarios for tropical infectious diseases. Full-color photographs and maps, a convenient question-and-answer presentation, and succinct summary boxes help you identify and understand the tropical diseases you’re likely to encounter. This up-to-date 2nd Edition is an excellent resource and study tool for infectious diseases fellows, doctors preparing for exams in tropical medicine, primary care doctors with patients who are global travelers, and global health nurses and practitioners alike. Offers realistic scenarios for encountering patients in rural, resource-poor settings, presenting cases as "unknowns," just as in a real clinic or emergency situation. Covers newly emerging diseases such as Zika virus, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS), and knowlesi malaria. Features topics in migrant medicine of particular importance to clinicians in non-tropical countries, including louse-borne-relapsing fever, spinal brucellosis, and hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly. Includes "classic" tropical diseases such as African trypanosomiasis, chagas, leprosy, and yaws. Reflects the use of novel diagnostics used in resource-poor settings, as well as developing drug resistance in relevant cases. Provides a useful index and map that organize cases geographically, for a targeted approach to study. Serves as a companion to Manson's Tropical Diseases, with a reading list at the end of each case referring to the corresponding chapter in the larger text.
The filovirus infections (from the Latin filo for 'thread', referring to their filamentous shape), Marburg and Ebola HFs, are perhaps the most severe and feared of all viral HFs.
Tropical Diseases outlines the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases encountered in developing regions---areas where the unexpected can occur and where Western medical capabilities are often unavailable.
Presents the knowledge and expertise of new editors Drs. Laura Nabarro, Stephen Morris-Jones, and David A. J. Moore.
The VitalBook e-book version of Protozoa and Human Disease is only available in the US and Canada at the present time.
This superbly illustrated work provides short accounts of the lives and scientific contributions of all of the major pioneers of Tropical Medicine.
This book is not about acquiring the structure of infectious diseases that is presented in classic textbooks of infectious disease; instead, it is about refining the process of putting the pieces together in clinical thinking to achieve an ...
Lopes Cardozo, B., Gotway Crawford, C., Eriksson, C., et al., 2012. Psychological distress, depression, anxiety, and burnout among international humanitarian aid workers: a longitudinal study. PLoS ONE 7, e44948.
Contributions to the e-book by members of the International Advisory Board to amplify areas of clinical importance in their parts of the world.
Mor SM, Tzipori S. Cryptosporidiosis in children in sub-saharan Africa: a lingering challenge. Clin Infect Dis 2008;47:915–21. 4. ... Greenberg PD, Koch J, Cello JP. Diagnosis of Cryptosporidium parvum in patients with severe diarrhea ...
Written by an international and interdisciplinary panel of experts, the book appeals to a broad readership including students, postdoctoral fellows, clinicians, researchers, and nurses, as well as public health officers working in ...