This 2nd Edition covers all facets of the research process, from finding a topic to disseminating the results. The subject is placed in the context of the academic scene and research needs in South Africa, and methodologies discussed include traditional modes of inquiry, research technology such as the Internet, and the role of oral tradition in the social sciences.
If we write F(p, x, y) = R(p,x,y) + S(p,x, y) , then the mean of the distribution of doubletons is obtained by differ- entiating ... In the present case, we find the value of the mean to equal (n − 1)p2, which can be checked as being ...
Probabilidad y estadística aplicadas a la ingeniería
The 10th Edition includes many new and updated problems, exercises, and text material chosen both for interest level and for use in building student intuition about probability. 0134753119 / 9780134753119 A First Course in Probability, 10/e
This text focuses on the utility of probability in solving real-world problems for students in a one-semester calculus-based probability course.
Probability and Statistics for Engineering Students
The text includes many computer programs that illustrate the algorithms or the methods of computation for important problems. The book is a beautiful introduction to probability theory at the beginning level.
This book explores four real-world topics through the lens of probability theory.