Outlining 10 steps in the personal selling process—from prospecting for new business to closing a deal—this guide explains the art of the sale. The importance of listening to customers, clarifying the difference between selling a product and a service, and emphasizing the importance of business ethics are revealed. Descriptions of the options available to those seeking a career in sales are included, as is an exploration of the impact of the sales profession on the economy, and a reminder that all jobs require some amount of selling.
本书作者总结了销售演说的九大误区,书中描述了这九种错误的表现,分析了它们形成的原因,提出了改正或避免这些错误的方法和建议。同时 ...
The book Personal selling is pegged as the primary selling enablement text; dedicated to the development of Sales Professionals of the 21st century.
Winning Group Sales Presentations: A Guide to Closing the Deal
... délégué ( ou visiteur ) médical La fonction du visiteur médical ( vendeur ) au sein de l'hôpital est de présenter aux médecins les caractéristiques thérapeutiques des médicaments qui sont commercialisés par le laboratoire pharmaceutique ...