Book & CD. This fourth edition makes it clear that all who are interested in the sustainability of South Africa -- and Africa -- must put human resource management (HRM) at the very core of the management of organisations generally. The content is aligned to outcomes that are geared towards analytical and critical thinking about the theory and practice of HRM in South Africa. The African context is addressed, and ample information about HRM aspects 'elsewhere in Africa' is provided. This edition breaks away even further from the traditional structure of so many standard HRM textbooks. It challenges a broadening of the 'agenda' and scope of HRM work: HRM is not only about managing employees, but also about managing the work and the people who do the work of and in organisations. This may involve alternative ways of getting the work of organisations done superiorly. This book will help you to apply HRM effectively to achieve its ultimate aim, namely to add value to people, to organisations and to society. This comprehensive book is organised around themes such as: Developing an appreciation for the context of HRM in South Africa; Strategising, designing and planning as preparatory HRM work; Sourcing work talent; Facing the countrys people empowerment challenge; Meeting the reward and care challenge; Handling labour and employee relations challenges; Championing change and transformation; Managing HRM-related information, including HRM and sustainability reporting. Based on most recent theoretical developments, the emphasis is on the practical applications. Samples of relevant documents are included, and an accompanying CD contains a wealth of relevant resources as well as a continuing, integrating case study that serves as a basis for these applications, and individual and group activities. As a package, South African Human Resource Management will be extremely valuable to both current and aspirant managers, and human resource practitioners.
Grobler and Wärnich’s market-leading text has long been regarded as the most comprehensive and user-friendly book available for those studying Human Resource Management in South Africa.
Human Resource Management: Global and Southern African Perspectives
Bruce Kaufman, in his ever thoughtful way, has not just analyzed the history of the development of HRM, but assembled 17 chapters in which world-class local experts report on that history in their own country. The book is fu
This volume addresses the shortage of knowledge about the nature, diversity and context of HRM in Africa and highlights the important trends and patterns that have been emerging on the continent.
Englewood Cliffs , NJ : Prentice - Hall . Cogill , C. 1988. The Paterson way : Does it pay ? HRM , September , 32–34 . Cuicci , P. 2001. E - remuneration : Dawning reality or myth , a BAT case stuidy . Paper delivered at Pay Con 2001 ...
Written from a uniquely South African perspective, this book explores the many facets of the employment relationship. These include strategic employment processes, staff maintenance, trade union interactions, public sector labour...
An Overview of Human Resource Management: A South African Perspective
This book explores avenues for organisations to better understand the origins of occupational stress so as to enable their managerial employees to effectively manage stress levels.
This book addresses the application of sustainable HRM principles within tourism in the specific context of Africa, a neglected area of study.
Since its original publication in 2000, this text has been intended for students studying HRM for the first time.