'The Metamorphosis of the Angel' was first published in France in 1999 and explores the spiritual journey taken by the author, often aruous, to try and understand what it is just to be and to discover the key which unlocks the alchemy of love.
Poet of the Angels has written inspirational and spiritual poems in this collection of poetry. Allow yourself to believe in dreams through self discovery. Within this book, you will find forgiveness, grace and love.
The Voice of the Angel: Sayings from the Angel's Metamorphosis
This volume, the first in the new series Groningen Studies in Cultural Change, offers the papers presented at the workshop The Metamorphosis of Magic from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period held from 22 to 24 June 2000, and organised ...
One day, Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, wakes up to find himself transformed into a giant insect (the most common translation of the German description ungeheur Ungeziefer, literally "monstrous vermin").
chasms of hell.38 Needless to say, Greek daimones originally had little to do with these fiends. ... for instance, is called a daimon when dictating Helen of Troy's sex life.41 Athena, dubbed a daimon, guides the homeward journeys of ...
At other times, I would enter my little prayer closet, and the presence of God would “bond” me to the floor. At these times, I would often ... On the evening of March 25, 2002, I experienced a powerful encounter with the angelic realm.
Vollenweider , Samuel : Horizonte neutestamentlicher Christologie . 2002. Vol . 144 . Vos , Johan S .: Die Kunst der Argumentation bei Paulus . 2002. Vol . 149 . Waaler , Erik : The Shema and The First Commandment in First Corinthians .
... Angels, 114-16. He sees it as an aspect of angelophanies – the only case in which Jesus might be considered angelomorphic even if it is not entirely clear that he became an angel since indeed the term is obviously absent. I find ...
Auberon came to us at The White Notebook (R) Library, entrusting us with the story he wished to give to those who lived on Earth. The story he left behind is one of love and of angel beneficence. It is entitled The Angel Chronicles.
The novel is also a parody and a powerful allegory that reads as quite prophetic in the 21st century. Anatole France (1844-1924) was a French writer, poet, and journalist, who won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Literature.