The Bodymind Ballwork Method features the use of rubber balls in a range of sizes to support, massage, and stretch the body in specific places, with clear instructions for techniques from head to toe.
Bodymind Liberation: Achieving Holistic Health
Somatic psychology and bodymind therapy (the simultaneous study of the mind and body) are challenging contemporary understandings of the psyche, of what it means to be human and how to heal human suffering.
An in depth analysis of how conflicting attitudes fears, and repressed feelings influence the body.
... take a break and enjoy it. You'll come back when you're ready. Like the ocean, every move you make is governed by a tidal flow of breath. The very essence of life—the energy at your core—moves to a regular rhythm of contraction and ...
Unlike the quick-fix books on energy restoration, this book uses timetested, age-old practices from sacred traditions in combination with well-established clinical approaches.
Here Comes Everybody: Bodymind and Encounter Culture
These two worlds come together , as we saw in Chapter 4 , in the " oral cavity " created by the mother's cradling arms , breast , and flesh , and the infant's receptive mouth . Oral satiation leads to digestive peace and vice versa .
Outlining (dis)ability's centrality to speculative fiction, Schalk shows how these works open new social possibilities while changing conceptualizations of identity and oppression through nonrealist contexts.
This book is a dazzling accomplishment...a thrilling blueprint for the integration of body, mind, and spirit.Larry Dossey, MDAuthor: Reinventing Medicine